Detailed information about Torrent Ratio Keeper Monster Version
Torrent Ratio Keeper Monster Version allows you to configure the Upload increase up to 1000% and the Download decrease traffic values. You can also use the Expert Settings (Seeder Mode, Emulate Upload Problems). It has 2 skins: the Classic (Windows standard) and BlueSky.
General description
Skin | Traffic settings | Graphical Statistics | Expert Settings |
Classic, BlueSky | Upload increase up to 1000%
You can configure the Upload increase and the Download decrease traffic values. For example, if you increase the upload to 300%, the tracker will count each 1 MB as 4 MB. This will save you a lot of time! |
![]() |
![]() Expert Settings are: |
The screenshots were made using the BlueSky skin
Launching the program
Installation will take less than a minute.
After the first time launching you will be greeted by a sipmle wizard, which will help you set the default traffic changing values:
Next, you will see the "General" tab with the options you set in the wizard:
Jump to the "Advanced" tab and follow it's instructions to "start your Torrent client". Wait a minute, and if you already have any files uploading or downloading, the program will automatically add their trackers to the list.
If you don't see any trackers on the list, make sure your uploads or downloads are started. If you have Windows Vista or Windows 7, try closing Torrent Ratio Keeper and your torrent client, and run them again with Administrator privileges (right-click the application and select "Run as Administrator"). If several trackers are missing, you can add them by clicking on the button and entering the tracker's name. You can also delete trackers (
) or edit their names (
If trackers are available, and the uploading or downloading process was started, you will see trackers in the list. The bullet next to the torrent client's name will start blinking. uTorrent's bullet is highlighted in this example.
You can see the last statistics update time on "General" tab. Clicking on it will open "Advanced" tab and highlight updated trackers with yellow color.
When will the values update?
You'll see the values in the table update, within 1-2 hours. This depends on the tracker update time (you can find it in your torrent client).
The first value is the real uploaded traffic, and the second next is what the program sent to the tracker.
To help you understand how much traffic was saved, we've added Saved Traffic column. You can see the sum of the difference between Increased and Real Uploaded traffic values, and between Real Downloaded and Decreased.
You can disallow traffic changing for each individual tracker: just uncheck the checkbox next to the tracker's name:
Configure traffic options
By default, the Upload increase is set to 75% (which means that every 1 MB uploaded will be counted as 1.75 MB on the tracker) and the Download decrease is set to 0%.
You can change these values for each tracker in the list. If you want to set the other value, just move the slider to the "Custom" mode to allow editing values:
That's all there is to it. The program sent report to the tracker with new values, and you can check your ratio on the tracker to see the result. And as we mentioned before, if you have a high torrent ratio, you will get more seeds and a faster download.
Expert Settings
— Seeder Mode.
The tracker will see your Torrent Client as a seeder. Your Torrent Client will not send any reports about downloaded files.
Note: A few torrent trackers don't give seeds for the seeders. if Seeder Mode is on you will have low download speed or no downloading at all on these trackers.
— Emulate Upload Problems.
The tracker will not get any upload reports from your Torrent Client. You can use it with the Seeder mode to emulate network problems (Tracker will not count your upload/download at all).
— Disable the Smart Traffic Multiplier.
Torrent Ratio Keeper will use your selected Upload increase and Download decrease values without randomization. The program uses random values to increase upload or decrease download by default. This hides Torrent Ratio Keeper from the tracker. If you understand how the tracker works, you can turn this feature on, and the program will change traffic without randomization.
Graphical statistics
While your Torrent Client is downloading or seeding files, the program will receive statistics of the uploaded and downloaded traffic. You can see them on the "Statistics" Tab. The first stats will be available the next day after you've started the program, and are downloading files. Then, the graphics will update every 5-20 minutes, depending on the trackers' settings. You can see statistics for all the trackers or for an individual tracker by choosing one from the dropdown list.
Four charts are available: Total Downloaded Traffic, Total Uploaded Traffic, Daily Downloaded Traffic, Daily Uploaded Traffic.
— The green line means Fake traffic and — the red line means Real traffic.
General Options
Choose "Settings" in menu and click "Options":